Peter Gale Discusses New Teacher Preparedness for Classrooms in Godalming

2:47 PM

New Teachers Confident of Readiness Through Training

Read the latest Peter Gale Godalming blog. Peter Gale is an educational expert in Godalming. An accomplished educator, he has spent his more than 20-years in the field of education advocating for a number of positive developments and lasting changes that staff and students of schools that he had been part of sill enjoy to this day. Read on as he discusses about how new teachers are expressing their readiness as school starts.

As pupils are returning to school, a recent survey revealed that new teachers are positive of their readiness for the classroom. Nine out of ten teachers have placed confidence on their training come the first day of classes.

For the last academic year alone, total of 23,100 teachers who are newly qualified have joined the workforce composed of 450,000 teachers. In a recently published survey, 91% of the respondents have all come out saying that they are confident that the training they went through has amply equipped them towards delivering high teaching standards to their respective pupils.

Findings from the survey also follow serious plans towards boosting development opportunities for those that are in the teaching profession. This includes extra support especially during the first few stages of their career. There was also that pledge coming from Education Secretary Damian Hinds about championing not only the teaching profession but also working with teaching unions, leaders, as well as Ofsted towards the goal of reducing school workloads.

Peter Gale Godalming

The presence of incredibly talented and hardworking generation of teachers that are working alongside the reforms that the government has introduced, the number of students that are now in schools that are good or outstanding has increased to 1.9 million.

This survey only reveals that there hasn’t been a better time to be part of the teaching profession. There is great satisfaction over the training that teachers are getting in order for them to perform their jobs effectively. While there are challenges in recruiting new graduates especially in lieu of strong competition for other industries and profession, there has been an increase in the number of trainee teachers that were recruited last year at 32,000. This is 3% higher compared to the numbers of the previous year. There has also been a recently announced 3.5% rise in the pay for teachers in the early stages of their careers, which means that the opportunities for promotion are ample.

The new generation of teachers are going to be better qualified too. About 98.7% of all teachers have secured a degree or even higher. This has risen by 4.4% since 2010. Today, nearly one in every five teacher trainees has a first-class degree.

There has been a plan on the works towards supporting the profession as well as making it more competitive against other industries. A workload reduction toolkit is going to be launched soon and there will also be an advisory group on workload advisory that will be appointed. This will then help strip away any work that does not really matter inside the classroom.

The government has also pledged to introduce working practices that are more flexible. This includes a fund amounting to £5 million in order to make it possible for experienced teachers to take a sabbatical. Get to know more recent updates on education by reading about Peter Gale Godalming online here. You can also follow the Peter Gale Godalming Twitter page here and read Peter Gale Godalming reviews here. 


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